28 July 2018

I WONDER - fake meat and slaughter free

I WONDER - how would a meat eater compared to a vegetarian or vegan might respond to these Science BITL questions

Image from Link to article : http://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2018-05-06/vegan-alternative-plant-based-meat-grown-in-lab/9726436
• How might the advances from this scientific understanding influence 
other areas of science, technology and engineering? 
• Do you think this scientific knowledge of culturing meat from stem cells should be accepted by society? Why?
• How might someone else explain or interpret what cultured meat is?
• Just because we can do this science should we?
• What ethical considerations might we need to consider with this scientific knowledge?
• Is the ethics for this science investigation the same or different in other countries compared to Australia?
• Scientists' values and beliefs are influenced by the larger culture in which they live. How might such personal views influence how they investigate finding new ways to produce meat?
• Was the scientific research focused on an issue with the potential to help meet societal needs or for economic reasons? How might these influence the scientific knowledge being accepted?
• Who decides what is valued to investigate?

SACE Science as a Human Endeavour

• Advances in scientific understanding in one field can influence and be influenced by other areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
• The acceptance and use of scientific knowledge can be influenced by social, economic, cultural, and ethical considerations. 


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