23 March 2016

Forensic Science : Solving what the mystery powder is using inquiry.

Australian Curriculum Year 7 Chemical Sciences : Forensic Science
Mixtures, including solutions, contain a combination of pure substances that can be separated using a range of techniques.
In Year 7 we want our students to understand mixtures, including solutions, contain a combination of pure substances that can be separated using a range of techniques based on their properties.

Let’s look at the concept of the Properties of Matter in Year 7 through the Science Bringing it to Life questions.

Left behind at the crime scene is a mystery white powder.

What do you notice?
What equipment might help you with your observations? What different materials do you notice? What happens when the powder is mixed with water? How does this change the materials?
What do you think?
Could there be any substances that you don’t notice? What similarities and differences might there be in the substances? How are their properties different?
What do you predict?
How might you separate the substances in this mixture? How could you separate the larger particles from the rest? What other properties could you use to separate them? What do you already know or what have you observed that led to your prediction?
How can you test it?
Can you separate a mixture without equipment? What are the safety risks? Using what you already know, how could you separate the mixture? Which way will be best? How do you separate a mixture where the two substances look alike?

How can you review and communicate?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the method you used? How does the data support science ideas? Why? Did you experience any difficulties separating the mixtures?
How could you improve your investigation? How did you separate the mixture? What did you learn from this investigation about the properties of substances? How can the properties of substances be used to separate them from a mixture? After substances are separated, do they maintain the same properties as before? Why did you choose to separate the mixture the way you did? Draw a flowchart to show how you separated the mixture.

So what? What next?
What people do you think would know about the separation of mixtures or the properties of substances? Why would a chemist need to know about the properties of substances? How could you use the different separation methods to separate other types of mixtures?

Brining it to Life Science

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