25 August 2015

Science as a Human Endeavour : Ant Diversity : Predictions and Patterns

Australian Curriculum Science: Science as a Human Endeavour: Year 4: Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships.
How many different species of ants are there? How are the ants the same? How are they different? How could you group them? What patterns do you notice? Are there any exceptions? How might scientists use this interactive model (antmaps.org) on ant diversity to predict the effects when a particular species of ant is removed or dies out in an area? What animals or plants might depend on this species of ant for survival? What questions do you have? Who might be interested in or need to know about the grouping of the ants? Why? What else could you investigate?
Australian Curriculum Science: Science as a Human Endeavour: Year 7: Science and technology contribute to finding solutions to a range of contemporary issues; these solutions may impact on other areas of society and involve ethical considerations
Our understanding of large-scale biodiversity patterns in invertebrates, such as insects, are poorly documented. To address this gap in knowledge, scientists, mathematicians and technologists from the Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics (GABI) are working on a project aimed at compiling over 200 years of ant research into a single database providing distribution information for all ant species. (antmaps.org)
How do the features of ants change geographically on the map? What do you notice about this data?
What patterns do you notice? Are there any exceptions?
What do you think this pattern has happened and why?
How has technology connected with science to change the way we see the world?
How might you use the keys on this interactive model to identify the ants surveyed in your local habitat? Do all species of ant live in the same places? Where do the different species live in Australia? How does a scientist identify each different species?
Are ant’s predators or prey, or both? Explain your answer.
Explain the day in the life of an ant. What does it do all day?
What do the ants in your community need to survive? Choose one or two species of ant and identify what they need for survival.
How might the people living in your community have a positive effect on the species of ants in the environment? Do you think people living in your community have any negative effects on the species of ants in the environment?
What recommendations could be made to care for and improve the quality of the environment in your community?
What factors might you introduce to sustain this species of ant in their ecosystem?

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