5 June 2018

STEM Learning Problem and Inquiry based learning pedagogies

 STEM Learning

Problem based and Inquiry based Learning

Challenge based learning, project based learning, problem based learning and inquiry based learning are some of the different processes that are described within the vast body of literature on teaching STEM. Each process provides a different way for learners to experience, explore and construct their understanding of STEM and the disciplines it embodies. 

The problem based learning process (PBL) and inquiry based learning process (IBL) brings these frameworks to life by facilitating learners to construct their own understanding in real-world contexts

Both the problem based learning process and inquiry process shift learning from surface to deep learning of STEM knowledge, understandings, skills and thinking.

In problem based learning learners are challenged to define or find a problem to solve. The emphasis of the learning is on the process and thinking, and not the final product, solution or idea.

Inquiry based learning in STEM refers to the scientific and mathematical systematic process of inquiry. A phenomenon is noticed or wondered about and from these observations learners pose a question to investigate and design a fair test to determine their product, solution or idea, informing their explanation.

The intentional focus on “intellectual stretch for all” in STEM learning design illustrated in these processes develops learner resilience in the face of unfamiliar and non-routine problems and contexts. 
These processes foster metacognition and engagement in productive struggle that develops a deep understanding of STEM concepts and skills as well as learning expertise.

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