17 December 2016

De - STEM - ber

De-STEM –ber for primary school
Electric Circuits Greeting Cards: Using a circuit pen draw a simple circuit on a piece of card, then add the batteries and LEDS. Try not to use button batteries because they are not toys and can be easily swallowed.
Dissolving Christmas Candy Canes. Design an investigation to see how you can dissolve the cane the fastest.

STEAM Connecting imagination with science through story telling:

STEAM Connecting imagination with science through story telling:
Divergent Thinking: Solve Mysteries and add Magic
How Rudolph's nose came to glow?
Students could make up their own story or write a piece of persuasive writing, or draw using scientific facts in answers to the questions in the video.
Why stories matter for childrens' Learning
You might to also follow up with
from New Scientist - scientific reason for reindeer having red nose
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNcd0_qbb18 Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose, but why? Science has the answer to this age-old question.

4 December 2016

STEM Integration- Different approaches to learning STEM

There are a number of ways STEM can be integrated. These approaches are dynamic not sequential and movement between the approaches may occur. Just as the shifting roles between teacher and students in consuming and producing knowledge occurs depending on your learning intentions.

For PDF version - bit.ly/78STEM  
STEM Resources