27 September 2015

Science as a Human Endeavour: Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena.

Australian Curriculum: Year 5: Science as a Human Endeavour: Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena. 

“To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science."
(Albert Einstein and Leopold Infeld. The Evolution of Physics. London: Cambridge University Press, 1938.)

What do you wonder when you look at the night sky? What do you think exists beyond our Solar System? Have we finished exploring our Solar System? Take some time to think about how far space exploration has come in recent decades. Where do you think it might go in your lifetime? NASA’s Chief Scientist predicts that signs of alien life will be found by 2025. What questions do you have for the NASA scientist? What if we find there is alien life, what might that mean for Earthling’s?
Recent observations by planetary probes and telescopes on the ground and in space have shown that water is common throughout our solar system and the broader Milky Way galaxy.
Credit: NASA

How do telescopes make distant objects seem closer? What kinds of information and data can telescopes provide about the universe?
With many different cameras and types of scientific instruments, the Hubble Space Telescope has provided scientists with invaluable data. Data includes both observations and measurements.
NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope helps scientists explore the universe to find the evidence to answer their questions. What observations are possible with this telescope? What measurements can be made with this telescope? In what way can a telescope be considered to be a time machine?
Are all telescopes on Earth?
Can you find or think of other ways scientists can explore if there are aliens? What data and evidence do scientists need to determine if there is life on other planets?

20 September 2015

Science as a Human Endeavour: Advances in scientific understanding often rely on developments in technology and technological advances are often linked to scientific discoveries

Australian Curriculum Science:
Science as a Human Endeavour:
Advances in scientific understanding often rely on developments in technology and technological advances are often linked to scientific discoveries
This looks like super fun, and what creative thinking was used to think up this invention.
What do you think is happening and why?
How did someone come up with this idea?
What are the obvious safety concerns?
What safety precautions did the person flying ‘The Swarm’ take in this video?
Why do you think he had an umbrella on top?
How are the drones arranged? Why do you think they arranged them in this pattern? How many are there? How did they work out how many drones they would need?
Could you design a better frame?
How might technology contribute to our understanding of science?
What might happen if you removed two of the drones?
What is your hypothesis?
What do you already know that led to your prediction?
What other predictions might be plausible?
How as many different ideas can you come up with for using drones like this? Which is your most creative idea? Now think of every reason that it might not work? How many different factors did you think of? How could you over come each of these barriers? Are there any factors which might be too difficult? Can you work with others to see if they can help you to think how you can make your idea become a possibility?
How might you test your predictions?
What could you try? Do you think you could…?
What kinds of tests can you design to help you answer your questions?
What should you consider in planning?
How will you measure and record the data?
How will you ensure the data is reliable, representative?
Which variables will you keep constant? Why?
How would your hypothesis have differed from that of a scientist?
Why has Apple started stocking drones?
What other possibilities or new developments might this invention lead to? What new careers might be developed because of this technology?

5 September 2015

Science as a Human Endeavour : Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to solve problems that directly affect people's lives

Honey bees wearing backpacks?
Photo from http://www.csiro.au/en/News/News-releases/2014/Bee-sensors-take-flight-to-help-farmers
Australian Curriculum: Science as a Human Endeavour
*Nature and development of science
Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena 
*Use and influence of science
Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to solve problems that directly affect people's lives
Global Initiative for Honey bee Health: How do the bee's backpacks work? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfkNFo-Hysc
The Global Initiative for Honey bee Health (GIHH), led by CSIRO, aims to protect and improve the health of honey bees.
What do you notice? View the videos of the bee’s backpacks.
What is interesting/unexpected/unexplained?
What technology are the CSIRO scientists using to help them make their observations of the honeybees? 
What does it make you think? What questions do you have? What questions would you like to ask the scientists?
How is the data collected using this technology? What kinds of data are the scientists collecting? How often will the observations be made?
What patterns and/or relationships do you see in the data? Are there any anomalies?
How might this technology contribute to our understanding of science and the health of honey bees?
How did someone come up with this idea?
How might scientists measure and record the data? How might you ensure the data is reliable, representative?
What is your hypothesis? What do you think is causing the decrease in the number of honey bees in the world? How might your hypothesis differ from that of a scientist?
Why is collaboration between scientists important for this investigation? Where do you find connections across the disciplines of science, maths and technology? What new developments might this lead to? Or new careers? Who decides what is valued to investigate? Who decides how the science is used? Who might benefit? What is the ‘cost’? How will solving this problem be a direct benefit to your life?
What if all the bees die? AsapScience video
Why are bees disappearing? Ted Talk 
A plea for bees. Ted Talk